
If you’re searching for the Pirates Spring Tournament, please go here for information and registration:

We love tournaments!  A tournament is typically several games over the course of a weekend (sometimes also Friday evening) in round robin format with the leading teams going to a championship game at the end of the tournament.

Often at a tournament, we play against teams we don’t usually play against – this is great!  Some tournaments have themes or special rules (i.e. beginner teams only, players over a particular age only, etc.).  Tournaments can happen at any time of the year.  Tournaments are also an opportunity to travel and play hockey in a different state or even a different country.  There is a tournament in Reykjavik, Iceland that we would like to take a team to someday.

Tournaments are considered to be outside the regular league and exhibition games we play and are not included in team dues.  Players who go to a tournament will evenly share the cost of the tournament entry fee.  All tournament fees must be paid to the team before a player may play at that tournament. 

To enter a tournament, we need a minimum of 10 skaters and a goalie.  Tournament teams are capped at 15 skaters.  If we have enough skaters and goalies, and the tournament rules permit, we may take two teams to the same tournament, probably at different skill levels.

When we are looking to fill a tournament team, we will first ask all full roster and practice players on all teams in the club.  The first 15 skaters and one goalie to respond and pay their tournament fees (these players must be eligible under the tournament rules) will play.  If there are available spots after this, the spots will be offered to new recruits in order of their date of first contact with the team.  If there are still spots after the new recruits have had an opportunity to sign up, we will ask players outside the team to fill those spots.

We are always looking for new tournaments – if you are interested in going to a particular tournament, please suggest it!